[ last updated: 10.30.00 ]       

JMU Activist Action Figures!

Many of you have probably heard the rumor about JMU being listed as one of the top ten most politically and socially aware in the nation. Now you can create your own activist according to which politics suit you best. We intentionally left the figures headless, so you can cut them out and attach them to a picture of your favorite campus activist. Enjoy!

illustration by: Seth Casana


1. Bicycle for protecting the environment 2. Brick to throw through Starbucks window 3. Daddy's credit card, just in case 4. Designer philosophical frames 5. Backpack, patches included 6. Bowl of hummus 7. Cell phone in case of unexpected police brutality 8. Free Mumia, Tibet, and other pamphlets 9. Picket sign 10. Clipboard for petitions 11. Kneepads for sit-ins 12. Unbleached tampons 13. A soapbox to stand on 14. A bleeding heart



Quiz: Are You Activist Enough?

by: Jonathan Smith and Catherine Cornachio

1. What is your favorite country to save?
a. Mongolia
b. Burma
c. Tibet
d. Canada

2. What are you boycotting this week?
a. JMU T-shirts
b. Tampons
c. The circus
d. Fraternity parties

3. What’s part of your typical wardrobe?
a. Hemp anything
b. Hoodies
c. Jerusalem cruisers
d. Booty pants

4. How have you avoided sweatshop or slave labor?
a. You bring your own hand-sewn mat to class instead of sitting in a desk made by prisoners
b. Avoid the Gap
c. Buy American
d. What sweatshops?

5. What is your favorite drug?
a. Nicotine
b. Marijuana smoked in natural rolling papers
c. Acid
d. All of the above

6. What is your socioeconomic background?
a. Upper-middle class white
b. Upper-class white
c. White and rich
d. White trash – plain and simple

7. What type of vehicle do you drive?
a. Jeep Cherokee
b. Volvo wagon plastered in stickers
c. Bike or fold-up scooter
d. Buick LeSabre

8. Where is your favorite spot on campus to chill?
a. On the Quad with bongos
b. Keezell Korner
c. Tabling on the commons
d. Bathrooms in Jackson

9. Do you find yourself involved in many activist groups such as …
a. Sister Speak and ARC
b. Earth and Young Republicans
c. Harmony and Campus Crusade for Christ
d. A business fraternity

10. What do you have attached to your person?
a. Recycle mug
b. An endless supply of “Free Mumia” and
PETA flyers
c. Bag with patches promoting your propaganda
d. Your fur-lined Gucci bag

* If you answered A, B, or C, you would most likely fit in with JMU’s activist crowd.
* If you answered D, God save your soul!




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